Is the " Trucking" Gold Rush Coming to an End?

How to Maintain Success as an Owner Operator - 2022 As an Owner Operator, have you noticed your paycheck slowly become LESS and LESS instead of MORE and MORE in comparison with what you have experienced in the past 2 years??? Since 2020 when COVID hit, our economy has NOT BEEN STABLE and has caused many economic imbalances that have NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE! I have been in the trucking and transportation industry for 17 years and have NEVER SEEN the consistent $3,000 to $10,000 NET weekly payouts to drivers that I have been seeing in the past 24 months. Most of you veteran drivers have not ever seen this before, either. And we all say, IT'S ABOUT TIME! Unfortunately, these Skyrocketing Rates that are driving up your pay are NOT SUSTAINABLE , and WILL DESTROY OUR ECONOMY if left too high for long. The Trucking industry is used by economists to predict the health of the economy and to make necessary changes, which is a BIG ...