
Showing posts from 2022

Sole Proprietor, LLC or Corporation- Which is the best for your business?

 Sole Proprietor, LLC or Corporation Which is the best for your business? As a business owner, you should be aware of what each type of business entity offers in terms of taxes, liability protection, and control over the business. The easiest and most common business type is the Sole Proprietorship. As a sole proprietor, you automatically get the new (and misunderstood) responsibility of "self employment" taxes. Sole Proprietorship You have NO LIABLITY protection for your personal assets in case of a lawsuit You have COMPLETE CONTROL over how to run and manage your business There are not usually any start up fees required Most new businesses start out this way until they get a better education about the other options. LLC business type The LLC is also very popular choice among new business owners, but it is not always chosen for the right reason.  Some people claim that there are more tax advantages than a sole proprietorship. However, the truth is, an LLC does not differ

Prepare for 2022 Tax Season NOW in 6 Steps

  2022 tax season is about to begin, here are a few things that I experienced with my clients that you will want to do in preparation of the next tax season: 1. Get your receipts organized NOW and sent to your tax preparer EARLY.  If you are the DYI type and don't use a bookkeeping service, it is better for both YOU and YOUR TAX PREPARER to get your receipts separated and totaled by expense and sent to her several weeks before the due date. This will give her time to review the receipts for deductibility and accuracy before reporting it on the tax return. 2. Create a file folder to keep your tax forms like W2, 1099, Profit/Loss statements, brokerage statements, closing documents for house purchases, estimated tax payment confirmations until tax time. 3. If you purchased a home in 2022 or earlier, locate the original closing statement for the home purchase and KEEP IT FOREVER! Or, at least until you sell it. Your tax prepar

Is the " Trucking" Gold Rush Coming to an End?

 How to Maintain Success as an Owner Operator - 2022 As an Owner Operator, have you noticed your paycheck  slowly become  LESS and LESS instead of MORE and MORE in comparison with what you have experienced in the past 2 years??? Since 2020 when COVID hit, our economy has NOT BEEN STABLE and has caused many economic imbalances that have NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE! I have been in the trucking and transportation industry for 17 years and have NEVER SEEN the consistent $3,000 to $10,000 NET weekly payouts to drivers that I have been seeing in the past 24 months. Most of you veteran drivers have not ever seen this before, either.   And we all  say,  IT'S ABOUT TIME! Unfortunately, these Skyrocketing Rates  that are driving up your pay are NOT SUSTAINABLE , and WILL DESTROY OUR ECONOMY if left too high for long. The Trucking industry is used by economists to predict the health of the economy and to make necessary changes, which is a BIG reason why we are all seeing and ex

Are You Prepared for an IRS Audit?

  $45.6 billion dollars was approved by the Senate to help the IRS to IMPROVE ENFORCEMENT which is causing a lot of us to become concerned.   WHAT COULD HAPPEN?    The chances of getting audited has dramatically increased.  4 Ways to Prepare in Case You are Audited  1. Be sure that all expenses claimed on your tax return are accurately supported by receipts. 2. Review your Tax Return before you sign it. Take your time and review all income/expenses claimed BEFORE SIGNING  ONLY YOU, not your tax preparer, is responsible for the information reported on your tax return AFTER YOU SIGN IT Compare your tax return with the previous year and question any differences to be sure you can support any changes Ask alot of questions to learn the laws used to prepare your tax return Have your filed tax return amended if you catch the errors BEFORE the IRS catches them 3. Hire a Reputable Tax Preparer that has a history of Assisting with Audits Confirm they have represented others in audi

School Failed to Teach You to be a Business Owner - LEARN HOW before STARTING ONE!

  Owning a Business is NOT something that is usually taught in our primary or secondary school systems.  During these early years, we are trained to become compliant, obedient EMPLOYEES so we can work for someone else in THEIR businesses.  Business Ownership is usually a choice but can also occur by accident after someone convinces us to accept a CONTRACTOR JOB with a company under the guise that we will "MAKE MORE MONEY"... for them, e.g owner operator .  Becoming a contractor “relieves” the hiring company from the responsibilities of having to pay the cost of insurance, vacation pay, sick pay, taxes, and many other perks for you.  Those financial responsibilities then belong to YOU and because the contracting company is now saving a bundle of cash they are glad to pay you a little more to relieve them of these responsibilities. You, as a new business owner, will find yourself needing that extra money so you can pay your own income taxes, health insurance and bills to keep

Business Credit- How to Get it?

  A lot of people that I talk to ask me, " Who will give my business credit ?". Having business credit will help you to purchase the tools, equipment, and supplies that you may need to help you to grow your business.  But, in order to get business credit, your business needs to  Be Separate  from you.  Also, the business needs to have a proven track record of purchasing items on credit and repaying them ON TIME and/or IN FULL each month.    In other words,  Have its own Credit Score. As you know, a Credit Score is given to people/businesses and is attached to the NAME and TAX ID of the person/business for all to review and decide whether or not more CREDIT can be issued. First Step If you want to establish business credit and have established your business as a sole proprietor, the FIRST STEP  you need to take is to Separate   You from Your Business.   You can do this by forming a separate legal entity such as a Corporation or an LLC to allow your business to