School Failed to Teach You to be a Business Owner - LEARN HOW before STARTING ONE!


Owning a Business is NOT something that is usually taught in our primary or secondary school systems. During these early years, we are trained to become compliant, obedient EMPLOYEES so we can work for someone else in THEIR businesses. 

Business Ownership is usually a choice but can also occur by accident after someone convinces us to accept a CONTRACTOR JOB with a company under the guise that we will "MAKE MORE MONEY"...for them, e.g owner operatorBecoming a contractor “relieves” the hiring company from the responsibilities of having to pay the cost of insurance, vacation pay, sick pay, taxes, and many
other perks for you. 
Those financial responsibilities then belong to YOU and because the contracting company is now saving a bundle of cash they are glad to pay you a little more to relieve them of these responsibilities. You, as a new business owner, will find yourself needing that extra money so you can pay your own income taxes, health insurance and bills to keep the business running while leaving very little for you to manage your personal bills. PLUS, in the beginning, you are usually the only one working in the business, so taking vacation or sick days becomes impossible because when you don’t work your business, your business won't make money leaving you without any excess cash for a while. 

Since, owning a BUSINESS is very different from working for someone else, do yourself a BIG FAVOR and take the time to understand these differences and new responsibilities as a business owner BEFORE DOING IT so that you CAN MAKE MORE MONEY, have more FREEDOM and spend less time with the pitfalls of starting a new business that sometimes causes so many people to give up before they finally learn how to make it work. 

LEARNING a little bit about what’s involved before making that choice will save you A LOT OF TIME AND MONEY! 

Contact me today to get advice, strategies, and insights into how a business can be set up to work for you successfully FROM THE START or START NOW to make it work BETTER FOR YOU!


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